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Monday, March 8, 2010♥
Retro ♥ }

Heehe... Went to da concert ystrdae wit Athirah n da two twins n Aidil. We were so excited before da concert cz we cnt believe tat we are gona meet Paramore in real life. Haha! We wana see Hayley so badly. Haha.. During da concert, me and Athirah were rocking out! Athirah said its worse den cross country cz we were sweating like hell! Haha! It was so much fun. Hayley so cute! She rili rock it out! OMG! I still cnt believe I went to Paramore concert. Haha! Im still in da Paramore Fever. Woohoo!! Hahaha! Im hoping they'll come again nxt time so I can go wit bby:)
Cant I turn back da time to ystrdae nite.......?????? Heheheheeh!
with love; 11:17:00 AM

Retro ♥ }

I felt so bad about yesterdae. I made bby cried alot of time. I noe he felt so dwn wen I went to Paramore concert. I noe he wanted to go for da concert so badly but he couldn't coz he has to book in to camp. I noe I shouldn't said "wateva" to him ystrdae. He was so mad n he shouted at me. I was shocked at first actually but despite of my ego n my anger, I ignored it. Ystrdae was a bad dae for da first few part of d dae. Im sorry bby for making u mad n cry ystrdae. I didnt mean to. I promise I'll work on our relationship. I dun wana us to b apart. I love u lots bby.
with love; 11:12:00 AM

Saturday, February 20, 2010♥
Retro ♥ }

Having flu todae. Not so sure why. Hees.. But I like it! Hehe.. Im so bored.. Now Im watching 10 Dares on youtube. U guys shud watch it! Its super funny n daring! La~La.. No one to chat to. Boyfie went offline cos he's not feeling well. He's having a fever which is called viral fever? Am I correct? I tink.. Hees.. So yea, he went for check-up n he said tat his sickness might be dangerous. And Im feeling scared for him. I havent heard bout tis sickness b4 but I guessed its a dangerous sickness? He went to sleep early cos his body was aching or sumtink. Im hoping tat he will recover soon. And notink will happen to him. Pity him.
Ouh yea bby, Im sorry again for nt miting u tmr.. I mean todae. After all, ure sick. U shudnt go out cz u need plenty of rest.
I love u bby.
with love; 2:12:00 AM

Tuesday, February 16, 2010♥
Retro ♥ }

You juz have to mention bout da future kids, and it will make my heart beats faster. I dunnoe why but I guessed I jz couldn't wait to live my life with u. I know tat ur sincere love will lead us to what we wanted all this while. Ur true love has made me realised tat there is sum1 tat can accept n love me for who I am. Which is u baby. I noe I may not be a gud Gf to u cz I can't be there for u in times of needs. When u felt all alone and no one to share ur sadness with. I cant be there for u cz of my distances. Cz Im across da border. If Im near u, I would hve been there for u. And Im so sorry and this happened da 2nd time. I felt so useless. But u kept telling me tat, its ok. Ure so understanding. I appreciated it alot. And pls dun go around da places alone pls baby. I dun like it. Anything might happen to u eventhough u tink notink's gona happen to u but u cnt predict ur life syg. I really love u and am sorry again for not be tere for u when u need sum1..
I miss you.
with love; 6:44:00 PM

Sunday, February 7, 2010♥
Retro ♥ }

Noooo! Tmr schooling!!! Im so lazy! Uuuurgh!

I miss Bibi!!*
with love; 8:37:00 PM

Retro ♥ }

Yesterday we went for the iTalent audition thingy. We tot we could mke it thru da audition, but it doesnt turned out well.. I was hoping for the better. Well, I guessed we should try again nxt yr.

To my bandmates, I hope after the audition ystrdae, We will still stick to our band tat we hve awaedy formed.. I dun wan us to b apart. We try again nxt yr aitex n we should mke more jamming session to perfect ourselves aitex.
*Kings&Queens* <3
with love; 8:30:00 PM

Sunday, January 31, 2010♥
Retro ♥ }

Today went jamming at chong pang.. But sadly our drummer, Hadi n bassist, Ros, wasnt tere jz nw... So it wasnt a full band prac.. Hadi culdnt come cz he went to da beach fiesta thingy.. Ros? Im nt so sure maybe baby-sitting her niece.. But Ariff was tere! hehe! Bibi! hehe... It wasnt a waste though for me to bring him to our jamming session.. He gave us alil idea about re-arranging our guitarist n drummer.. He's freakin genius uhs! Haha!! Hmm... So we decided on playing crushcrushcrush.. N our back up song is zombie. N I hope Asyraf will agree on da song crushcrushcrush... Hmm.. Audition is on nxt sat! 6feb.. Omg! Im nervous... I hope we culd get to semi-final.. JZ got to do better..

&& yea, dad jz bought a new broadband! woohoo! So nw I cn use my lappy!! Every single time wen I wan to.. Hehe:)
with love; 12:35:00 AM

the objections ♥

♥HERRIYANNE* ♥Muhd Ariff ♥Putera Al' Ariff ♥Puteri Al' Yanne
One yr older when it comes to 9march
Sweet 17*
Haters aren't allowed here

my wants ♥

To live better in life

music playing ♥

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

crappers ♥

link caged♥

Myy Gf
Raudah Gf
Afifah Gf
Sabrina Gf
Ginie Gf
Aisya Gf
thankyou ♥

designer : ThePoison.Kiss :D.
basecode : %PURPUR.black- :D.
image : photobucket/deviantart
brushes : dafont
Please leave the credits alone:D