Sunday, July 12, 2009♥
Retro ♥ }
The youth gig on friday, 10July was extremely fun. All the show was ok..
So yea..
Got to meet Mojo.. Hehe.. Happy! *wink* Got a necklace from him. Hehe.. He put da necklace around my neck for me && I put for him too. && now I can bring him wherever I go cz da necklace has his name engraved. Hehe.. So, da show ended at around 9+ and gt bck hme at around 1+.. Tired sey.. But whatever it is, I had fun..!
&& Gumball, plz dun act like this. Trust me, we still need u in this grp. Dun eva think tat u r being left out.
Seriously, we rili love u like our own sista. So plz, dun make da wrong decision.
Monday, July 6, 2009♥
Retro ♥ }
Yesterday was fun... Went to Fatullah's n Uncle Aman's show at Cairnhill CC. It was really2 fun. Got to see Fatullah dance n Uncle Aman play da drum.. Ok it was cool.. Haha..
So after all the events, we headed down to Chinatown. At first I dunnoe why we went tere for until Fatul n Nabila say, "We're here. We're goin to meet Mojo(fir)." Haha! I didnt want to believe them in da 1st place until I saw him. Haha.. So yea it was true tat we're goin to meet Mojo.. *wink* So happy!
Basically, me n Mojo didn't talk tat much. Hehe.. Until we're going off den he talked to me. Hehe.. And& yea sorry Shortie for bullying u.. Hehe..
Im looking forward 4 friday to come,10July cz Fatul is having his another show.. So Mojo is coming along too.. Wheee.. I can't wait! Woohoo!
So yea tats bout it... :)
I heard mom call me from her bedroom upstairs. Seriously! Den when I went up, she said she didnt call me.. So I was like, ok... So who was calling me? Creepy.. And I'm here seating alone at my living room at downstais.. ALONE.. Haha... ok shall not think so much.. :)
Saturday, July 4, 2009♥
Retro ♥ }
Bestie, Im so loving u more and more. I didn't expect u will say that u won't betray me aft wat had happened. I really hope tat our friendship tat we've built will never has it ends. I never regret having u as my bestie all this while eventhough we fight alot. But hey, look wat we've become now, we're growing closer and closer. Every each fight dun lead us to separation bt lead us to learn our own mistakes. And tats y everytime we fight, I always say sorry bcz I never want to lose a bestie like u. As I told u before, whenever Im with u, I feel so alive inside me.
Never always think tat I have forgotten bout u when I dun talk to u cz I will never forget u. Never ignore and always talk whenever u have any thoughts or problem cz I will always be by ur side and always here to lend u a shoulder. I'll be ur listening ear cz I want to.
Lotz of love,
Retro ♥ }
Currently, Im at Nadiah's hse... N thank goodness there's internet("steal").. Hehe.. n luckily I brought my laptop along... Kalau tk, Im bored to death.. Haha
I hope tomorrow I can see him at Fattulah's and Uncle Aman's show..
OK Im so random.. Haha..
Retro ♥ }
Well, say whateva u wana say, think wateva u wana think cz I'm still me. My life would be perfect without u cz u're notink perfect to me. Never judge people cz wateva happens tere must be a reason. Why listen to one and than hate the other without knowing the fact? Treating me this way is so obvious.
Ouh well, I dun care anymore.. ANYMORE! I'm not turning back..